Make professionals' work easier with a clear and structured visual tool

Difficult behaviors to manage in support structures can often be related to a lack of visibility on how the day unfolds or poor preparation of upcoming activities. CAA Schedule offers a visual and intuitive solution to structure your users' days.

Agenda CAA screenshot

Why work with Pictalk?

I Save Time

Julie, an educator in a Medico-Educational Institute, manages a group of six children. She used to spend an hour preparing her group's weekly schedule on Word, with constant adjustments throughout the week. With CAA Agenda, she prepares the schedule directly on her phone in less than five minutes, with complete flexibility to make instant changes in case of any alterations.


Implementing self-determination

Joris, a specialized educator in a foster home, accompanies 15 residents who have difficulty orienting themselves in time. Thanks to Agenda CAA, the residents can now prepare in advance for their medical appointments and notify Joris themselves. He observes a significant reduction in his mental load.

A suitable tool to promote autonomy

Tom, an occupational therapist in an ESAT, uses weekly planners and generic sequencers available on the Internet for his young patients. With CAA Agenda, he can finally customize each weekly planner and sequencer to adapt to each profile, while easily managing these tools directly from his mobile phone.


Presentation of Agenda AAC

Heading towards Autonomy

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Anxiety Reduction and Autonomy Support

The Agenda AAC application, developed in collaboration with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) users, uses advanced digital technologies to help structure the day. It reduces anxiety by providing visual and temporal references, tailored to the needs of people with intellectual disabilities or DYS disorders.

An innovative and unique application

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