I'm a mom of one with a twist
I'm a mom of one with a twist
Are you the parent of a child with a disability? In this article, I share my experience as the mother of a son with Down's syndrome. Pablo, despite his challenges, brings immense joy to our family. Yes, it's possible to be happy as a parent, even in difficult times.
Arrival of sequences in CAA Agenda
Arrival of sequences in CAA Agenda
Sequencers are an essential tool for people with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). Agenda CAA now includes sequences that can be placed in events...
The autonomy of people with dys or other neurodevelopmental disorders
The autonomy of people with dys or other neurodevelopmental disorders
Do you also have a weekly calendar pinned to the fridge? At the entrance to the house or simply in the bedroom? Do you want your child or loved one with a disability to gain autonomy and confidence? Read this article carefully…
Deletion of the Pictalk Account
Deletion of the Pictalk Account
It is perfectly normal and healthy to request the deletion of your data when you no longer use a service. Make sure your decision is final because once the deletion process is initiated, there is no turning back.
The Pictalk AAC or Agenda AAC application no longer works?
The Pictalk AAC or Agenda AAC application no longer works?
The Pictalk or Agenda AAC application no longer works?
Basic Usage of Agenda AAC
Basic Usage of Agenda AAC
In this article, find out what Agenda AAC is and how to use it.
How to install synthetic voices?
How to install synthetic voices?
The Pictalk and Agenda AAC applications are cross-platform and work through your internet browser. Synthetic voices are managed by your operating system, i.e. Android, iOS, Windows, etc. For security reasons, we cannot install voices for you. Here is an article that shows you how to install them...
Download and install
Download and install
To install Pictalk, go to the Play store or the Apple store.
Basic installation and use
Basic installation and use
In this article you will learn what Pictalk is, how to install it and how to use it.

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